Tuesday 29 November 2011

Fighting Sickness

Keeping with the theme of upcoming exams, I've decided to discuss ways to prevent/fight illness since, well, everyone inevitably gets sick during exam season.

Okay so there are your typical get enough sleep, get your vitamin C, eat well, drink tea, keep warm, etc. but I hate those...they really aren't convenient when you have an exam in 16 hours and still have 48 hours worth of studying left to do.

So my recent method has been to lie to myself. When your throat is sore, your stomach hurts, you have that annoying headache that's putting you in a horrible mood, you have two options:
1. you let all those things get to you and complain to everyone who happens to run into you that day about how your life sucks, you have that huge exam tomorrow and of course your body decided to get sick at such an inopportune time! you get in your sweatpants, decide to wear your glasses, and frown all day long.
2. you don't let it get to you! You wear a nice outfit, put on a bit of makeup, wear your contacts as always. When you run into those people you know on campus, you smile and say hi, say that your sick but it'll be fine! it'll pass in no time with a bit of sleep and vitamin C. Most important thing though is that you smile (even though you don't really want to). Trick your body into thinking its happy and pretend to be peppy!

Trust me it works and within a couple days you'll be as good as new. It's my extension of the James-Lange theory of emotion (applied to illness).

OR you stay in a horrible mood all day because you're nervous about the exam you have the next day so that if you get a bad grade you have something to blame it on (that's another extension psychological theory they have for procrastination).

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