Thursday 13 October 2011


As an American, I adore Thanksgiving. Basically, it's my favorite holiday of the year. BUT, ever since I started my studies at McGill, I've had to miss out on Thanksgiving, for the pas FOUR YEARS! That's just cruel. But anyways, that's not the point. The point is, I love Thanksgiving and so each year when Canada has its pathetic excuse for a Thanksgiving (sorry, no offense to you canadians, it's just you guys really don't take it quite as seriously as us americans) I always gladly partake in the festivities.

This semester, my roommates and I are living with a french-italian girl who had gone to high school with Marina (one of my roommates...there are a lot).  So basically it was her first thanksgiving EVER and since I was the only person not drowning in midterms (or at least not yet unfortunately) I decided to make the traditional thanksgiving meal for her. Okay so semi-traditional. No one really likes the turkey so we just skipped that part all together.So obviously I had to call my mother about a million times to ask her to send me her recipes for everything. So Monday morning (who has Thanksgiving on a Monday!?) I got up all early to start my little adventure. I first decided to make the pumpkin pies (practically the most important part of the meal) and quickly realized that these thanksgiving meal recipes are absolute crap! They just assume that your mother is right there next to you helping you make the meal and thus completely skip out on vital instructions (i.e. how to transfer the rolled out pie dough into the pie pan). And as my mother is an extremely difficult person to get in touch with, this a very inconvenient assumption!
So there I am with rolled out pit dough trying to figure out how to transfer it to the pan without having it break into a million pieces. My brilliant idea was to flip over the parchment paper I had rolled the dough out on really quickly and sort of flop the dough right on in. Basically what I got was a floury mess, but mission accomplished in the end! Et voilĂ ! 
My beautiful pumpkin pies! :)

(after I covered the kitchen in a beautiful layer of flour, my roommate taught me the trick of folding the dough into quarters and transferring it that way...)

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