Monday 31 October 2011


I finally thought of something to write about (if you don't understand that, please refer to my previous post entitled "I don't know what to write about")!!! Well actually, I didn't really think of it. My roommate suggested the topic to me (shout out to Elisse).

So once I was in a french class and our professor gave us a story to read. Basically the story was about this teacher who had a bucket and she put these big rocks in the bucket till they reached the top and asked the class if the bucket were full, to which the class responded "yes". And the teacher was all "No it's not" and so she put some small pebbles in the bucket that filled up the gaps between all the big rocks. And once again informed that class that it wasn't full and this goes on and on with gravel and then sand and then finally she put water in the bucket and finally bucket was "truly" full.

Okay so this story was a metaphor for student's procrastination. You know we students fill up our bucket of time with big rocks like school, sports, other extracurriculars, etc. Then we feel like we have "no time". And then we add on top of these big rocks some pebbles that take up more of our time with things like seeing friends, partying, etc. Okay so you get the point. And so we have these rocks and these pebbles and we think that our time is all taken up and really we have all these empty gaps. We fill them with facebook and tv shows and other "unproductive" behavior.

Basically, I get the point of the story and I get what my french professor was trying to tell us by having us read this story, but I mean its impossible to completely fill your bucket with water! Your going to knock over your bucket and lose all your marbles (or rocks, pebbles, gravel, sand and water that is). I agree that maybe people leave a little too much space in their bucket for fb and other mindless stuff, but you can't always be productive 100% of the time. It's too much. So yeah...I'm gonna end this now before I start coming up with alternative interpretations of the story.


  1. Can you imagine I actually have to read this all LOL thank you I.S. assignment :) ..

  2. after reading it I changed my mind, this is pretty interesting haha
